Asia Green Fund
Invest • Greenergize China • Impact Asia
To become the benchmark of green impact private equity firm
  • 2016
    Established in
  • $2.33bn
    Accumulated Managed
  • $1.3bn
    Reorganization and M&A
  • 30+
Our investments focus on Tech-enabled Industrials and Business services (Tech-IBS), the core investment sectors are:
  • Advanced Manufacturing

    Advanced Manufacturing

  • Green Chemical Industry

    Green Chemical Industry

  • Clean Energy

    Clean Energy

  • New Material Consumer Goods

    New Material Consumer Goods


During the 100 days after the investment was completed, together with the management team of Asia Green Fund, we spent a lot of time to comprehensively sort out the company's development context and strategy, allowing us to clearly recognize our own advantages. In addition, Asia Green Fund provided us with very valuable resources and support in talent selection, brand promotion, market resource docking and business development.

Qingxin Liao, CEO & Founder, Horen Group

As a start-up company in the hazardous waste disposal industry, we are very grateful to Asia Green Fund for its trust in Low Carbon Environment, and we are also fortunate to have Asia Green Fund and AVIC Trust as our shareholders. Therefore, after the investment, the two shareholders have not only gave us continuous financial support through the "shares + debts", but also gave us a lot of help in strategic planning, project resources, and corporate governance.

Xiaofan Xu, Chairman, Low Carbon Environment

As Immotor's shareholders, Asia Green Fund not only provided us with capital for Immotor's development, but also gave us great support in brand building, resource accessing, and strategic coordination.

Daniel Huang, CEO, Immotor Technology

Together with Asia Green Fund, we will build a beautiful and smart village and make farmers live a better life!

Xiuxian Xu, CEO, Huitongda

As a co-founder of Four Rivers Investment, Asia Green Fund plays an active role in the structural adjustment of the Chinese steel industry, helping Chinese steel companies achieve cleaner production and green upgrades.  Along the way, Asia Green Fund has given us great help and selfless support, and we hereby express our deep gratitude and respect.

Zhuping Zhou, CEO, Four Rivers Investment

Asia Green Fund and Fivestar Holdings have joined hands twice to create the unicorn enterprises Huitongda and Hosjoy. It is hoped that Asia Green Fund will help more companies stand out and add more "green" to China.

Jianguo Wang, Chairman, FiveStar Holdings

Together with Asia Green Fund, we set out towards the vision of "parking smart, travel green, and a better life".

Jun Yan, Chairman, AI Park

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